Meet the Kiuas Start Spring 2019 batch!

March 25, 2019
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Kiuas team

The first program of the year starts this week and we couldn’t be more excited. The batch of Spring 2019 is more diverse than ever: first-time entrepreneurs, people with long careers ready to jump into the startup world, high schoolers, and many super talented people wanting to start a business.


Axinoss is building tools for financial markets for evaluating and managing risks in different market conditions. By leveraging AI, we are able to produce better signals and risk estimates that can be used to deliver successful automated trading strategies. Axinoss’ vision is in AI-based algorithmic trading and risk management strategies. Our main focus is on emerging markets (=cryptomarkets) and we'd like to bring tools and data to help other players leverage the new potential.


gaIoTa is an IoT company with a product called gaIoTa Care. gaIoTa Care is a digital-based health and wellbeing platform which integrates and utilizes various personal health data and living environment data to provide a holistic view of the individual’s health. It enables continuous monitoring of the individual health condition and provides valuable insights for medical professionals for better healthcare. makes it easy to create accurate and realistic-looking 3D models of real-life objects and places. Our cloud application turns your phone into a 3D scanner, which anyone can use to generate textured models within minutes. Our desktop solution enables semi-automated modeling even for objects for which on-site scanning is not feasible - just based on a small number of reference photos.


Our ambition is to build a viral video mobile application that allows people to have a central and healthy place where they can challenge each other, such as creating challenge campaigns, inviting friends to participate in the challenge, recording the challenge videos with fun effects and sharing it to other friends or spreading it on social networks. AI/ML will be used to ensure that only challenges and videos with appropriate content will be created.


We coach people who have troubles with sleep to sleep better. Around 45% of the general population suffers from bad quality of sleep and most of it caused by not knowing and understanding sleep and things affecting. We provide a coaching program which incorporates user's sleep tracked data to provide personalized coaching to improve all aspects of sleep from falling asleep to waking up and balancing daily activities to maximize sleep quality.


We at DSM Bracelets want to prevent the horrific amount of sexual assaults and assaults that occur at music festivals. We want to do this with a security software, that will be enabled by a bracelet; which will be included in the ticket price for the festival attendees. The bracelet will have an emergency function that will enable people in dangerous situations to activate a distress signal that will immediately be relayed to the security personnel. The security personnel will receive the exact location of the distress signal, the guards can then directly convert to the location and help the victim; as well as detain potential assailants.


Earner is a new platform for interviewees and employees to provide feedback about companies in a secure manner. This includes insights into company culture, salary expectations, and perks, to name a few. All reviews are anonymous, and Earner isn't limited to full time or part time employee reviews. We also accept internship reviews and interview reviews. At the same time, Earner is striving to generate qualitative and quantitative data for companies, supporting them by reflecting on their organizational processes and environment.


RetkiRent is an equipment rental company for camping enthusiasts and professionals that helps you save money and the environment. If your camping equipment collects dust at the back of the cupboard for part of the year, help others start their camping hobby and make money at the same time by letting out your equipment. Then again, if you are just about to start your camping hobby but are terrified of the thought of having to invest thousands of euros in it, you can also rent high-quality equipment at affordable prices. RetkiRent has currently 600 users and 200 products to rent around Finland and Norway.


Preventive solutions for mental health issues remain a largely untapped market with remarkable savings potential. Our goal with Peerful is to build a comprehensive preventive mental well-being platform that fits the busier lifestyles. We aim to make Peerful appealing even for people who’ve never thought about their mental health in depth before. Our initial target audience of end users is composed of university students due to their critical, unmet needs for affordable and easily accessible mental health services.


FingerFlow is a next-generation guitar learning app. We use computational modeling and advanced algorithms to generate fingering instructions from tablature. While tabs are traditionally useful for knowing which notes to play, they don't contain instruction on how to play them, i.e: which fingers to use throughout the song. We present these instructions in a visual, animated, and user-friendly way, helping students learn songs faster, play better, and making learning much more fun and enjoyable.


SciAR develops an augmented reality application for bioscientific laboratory environments with some help from machine learning and IoT. We mitigate human errors in lab work which currently are costing astronomical figures each year and holding back scientific process in biotech and pharmaceutical industry. Our product removes any manual documentation and therefore can boost productivity 20% or more while making the work more enjoyable for the user.


After attending any event, you get multiple brochures for reading later or checking for more details, which mostly end up in a dustbin. At the same time, companies don't get a clear way to measure the effectiveness of those brochures. e-Brochure connects attendees, event organizers and participant companies by offering a single solution which provides all details electronically. No need for paper brochures (eco-friendly), companies get statistics, and the user will have access to all event material easily.


Nelinor is a scalable IoT software using outsourced hardware that gives you an energy management system, allowing users to control and take charge of their energy consumption. It is a system that helps people to recognize their energy consumption habits by showing them a breakdown of where the electric energy is being spent. At the same time, it allows them to act on it conveniently by using a mobile app. Nelinor is especially useful for people living on renewable energy sources like solar energy who need greater control and visibility of their consumption.

New Normal

New Normal is a womenswear label focusing on sustainable materials and ethical production in fashion design practice. At the core of the label will be the application of Finnish wood-based and recycled fibers into the fabrics of the product line. New Normal responds to the growing awareness of the damaging environmental impact of clothing and textile production, proposing an alternative which utilizes local, renewable resources.


Docify is a platform that allows fast and precise data collection for medical research. Our platform has two user applications: A computer program for researchers and a mobile application for participants to enter the required data. With these two applications, we offer the best experience for both the researchers and the participants. We believe that our solution is not only beneficial for the researchers but also for the drug companies conducting the studies by offering them a faster and more affordable way of conducting studies.


Currently, no easy solution exists to manage a package trip or win tourists. Marketing costs are too big to win tourists who might just visit the place once in their lifetime and rarely they mention or recommend the agency to others. Magmatao provides group tour itinerary management tool for a destination travel agency who wants to expand Chinese market and serve Chinese tourists better.


Stevill provides a state of the art automation and integration platform for digital marketing that eliminates the need for manual work and will extract more value from digital marketing campaigns. The platform will be integrated with all the leading digital advertising and social media platforms while utilizing the same core platform. Our product roadmap starts from digital marketing logistics automation leading to AI / ML driven optimization to make the best use of the marketing budgets and campaigns.

Want to keep on track what the teams will achieve during the next three weeks? Make sure that you follow our social media channels!

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