Ax22S - Take time off in the real world

April 14, 2022
Written by 
Edvard Ramsay

Take time off in the real world.

With the long weekend just around the corner, it is a good time to take a wholesome break. Unplug your WiFi, put your phone on silent and enjoy this world. Pet your dog, hug your spouse, spend quality time with your friends.

At Ai2Ai our team has been hard at work creating Pall0, the little one relaxing by the pool in the picture.

Now that our prototype is ready for testing, we've started to talk about what Pall0 is and noticed how hard it is to explain the concept of a "real world interaction device" is.

People readily understand that smartphones or VR-goggles are platforms where you build games and apps that help people connect, interact and get stuff done. However, when we mention that our device is similar but the world it works in is not artificial, it takes a while for the pieces to click.

Perhaps we, as people, have been in too much of a rush to go forward and some things that should not be forgotten are at risk of being lost.

Or perhaps we, as a company, should promote our fully realistic graphics, surround sound, Billions of players on the same server and an unlimited, dynamic play area.

Because this world is beautiful.

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